
This week Sue is our hostess with the theme of CAROUSEL! Continuing our ‘C’ themed month!

Here is Sue’s postcard to give us some inspiration:

You can visit Sue’s Instagram here to see more of her work:

Remember to keep your postcards to 6×4 inches in size but any and all mediums are welcome as always!

Have fun and happy Sunday everyone,

Mandy xx


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Cats & Dogs sampler

Michele, Katrin and Marion for favourite three this week, thank you for joining in everyone!

Mandy xx

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Cats & Canines

This week Sabine is our hostess with the theme of CATS AND DOGS! May is our ‘C’ word month, starting with Sabine’s theme, we can’t wait to see what you choose to do!

Here is Sabines postcard to give us some inspiration

You can visit Sabine’s blog here:

Remember to keep your postcards to 6×4 inches in size but any and all mediums are welcome as usual,

Have fun and happy Sunday everyone!

Mandy xx


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Kings Sampler

Deann, Rein and Peggy for the favourite three this week! Thank you for joining in everyone,

Mandy xx


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This week Marion is our host with the theme of KINGS! We can’t wait to see what you do with this royal theme!

Here is Marion’s postcard to give us some inspiration

Youcan visit Marion’s blog here:

Remember to keep your postcards to 6×4 inches in size but any and all mediums are welcome as usual!

Have fun and happy Sunday everyone,

Mandy xx


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Vessels Sampler

Deann, Sabine and Michele for the favourite three this week, thank you for joining in everyone!

Mandy xx


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This week Cindy is our hostess with the theme of VESSELS! Google defines vessel as ‘a hollow container, especially one used to hold liquid, such as a bowl’ or it can even be used to describe a boat or ship!

Here is Cindy’s postcard for some inspiration

You can visit Cindy’s blog here:

Remember to keep your postcards to 6×4 inches in size but any and all mediums are welcome as usual!

Have fun and happy Sunday everyone,

Mandy xx


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Wildflowers Sampler

Michele, Sandie and Anne for the favourite three this week! Thank you for joining in everyone,

Mandy xx


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Thus week, Peggy is our hostess with the theme of WILDFLOWERS! We can’t wait to see which flowers you use,

Here is Peggy’s postcard to give us some inspiration

You can visit Peggy’s blog here:

Remember to keep your postcards to 6×4 inches in size but any and all mediums are welcome as always!

Havr fun and happy Sunday everyone,

Mandy xx


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Paris Sampler

Marion, Sabine and Katrin for the favourite three this week, thank you for joining in everyone!

Mandy xx

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