
This week Anne is our host with the theme of GIRAFFE! We can’t wait to see how you interpret the theme, let us know if giraffe’s are your favourite animal!

Here is Anne’s postcard to give us some inspiration

You can visit Anne’s blog here:

Remember to keep your postcards to 6×4 inches in size, but any and all mediums are welcome as always!

Havs fun and happy Sunday everyone,

Mandy xx


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10 responses to “Giraffe

  1. I hope everyone enjoys the theme.

    My postcard is on my blog here.

    Thanks for looking, and thank you to Mandy for having me as the guest host this week.

  2. I LOVE Giraffes so I decided to finally give it a go. I’m no good at digital stuff so I hope a paper and glue postcard is o.k. to enter.

  3. Love your sample, Anne!

    Here are my Gentle Giraffes:×6-art-gentle-giraffes.html

    Thanks so much for the look-see, xoxo

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